A review by pioneer
The Gift by S.R. Jones


I think I'm bias. I didn't go into this with a clear head; I did not. Definitely did not. I feel like I had expectations for Andrius. And I know I keep talking about him lately when there's definitely more to the story but... he's the factor in this for me to even rate it as high as I will.

My reaction to first seeing him:

I mean, for sure 4 stars. For sure 4.5 stars (unofficially). But is it five? I've been super picky this past year over it because nothing really seems to give me a spark. I think I might've liked this more than the next one (though I read them in sequence so I can't say for sure I remember what is what in what book.

I'll give it 4 for now—[03/25/20]—but I'm betting I'll change it.