A review by jaysimone
Obsidian Feathers by N. Cáceres

Did not finish book. Stopped at 51%.
While I did enjoy the world building and loved the FMC, I absolutely hated the MC. Yes, this is supposed to be a dark romance and I know what that entails; however, there was nothing redeemable about the MC to me. He's just a grade A asshole who's upset about how the FMC isn't how he remembered. Instead of using basic communication to talk to her about this, why she's closed off, or anything really,  he just gets angry and aggressive which only pushes her away and makes me livid. 
If he was less of an asshole before he threw away her pills, especially get birth control, I would be less upset but they have basically no relationship at this point, besides sex, that makes his behavior appealing.

I was so frustrated with the MC and him not even trying to understand who the MC has changed, while trying to force her to conform into an image he had of her in his head that I DNFed this book.