A review by booknerdwithlipstick
De synthèse by Karoline Georges


I have a little difficulty putting my thoughts together over this one. I think it's the kind of story from which the effect will either blow your mind or completely miss the mark. I can easily see the arguments on both sides. But I am making the conscious choice that I'd rather love it than hate it.
That being said. KG novel cover the life of a really odd child that suffers from anxiety and finds comfort in hypnotizing herself with media (TV, books, VR, etc.) The text presents a suggestible and extreme person and it reads like a scifi... but the thing is that it's probably not. All the technologies referenced are possible. The thin glimpse in the future offers nothing extravagant. It's all based on technologies already working and really leave us in this ambiguity of this book being scifi or not. Is it speculative of what could happen or is it a critic of what's happening right now ? It leaves the reader (me) uneasy.
One of the main theme of De Synthèse is reality. How people are getting disconnected and feel unable to fonction in a world that feels so raw and imperfect. It's about being disconnected with ourselves, our identity and our body. It's a social commentary about our future and about how we can find ways to be together.