A review by starryeyedenigma
Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert


There was a time when I used to read a lot of romances. But that was almost a decade back. And all we had in the market then were the Mills and Boons romances with the stereotypical story line – a pretty and demure girl, a moody, broody and rich man. The two meet, problems happen, somehow the misunderstood man saves the pretty and poor girl and falls in love with her and they all live happily ever after. I used to still lap up those romances. Until I had a glimpse of love in the real life and got sick of the Mills and Boons books.

And so, I’m really glad that I decided to try out some highly recommended romances like this one. First of all, calling this book a romance or chicklit novel would be like giving a hard working employee a low rating just because they didn’t show off enough. I would call stories like these, light hearted stories on real people dealing with real issues, learning how to cope with relationships in the real world.

Our two protagonists are vulnerable and not your typical couple.

Chloe Brown, the eldest of the Brown sisters has been suffering from an illness called Fibromyalgia, which results in chronic fatigue and pain. Due to this she ends up struggling with weight issues and not having a normal social life. Add in a toxic relationship with her ex boyfriend, who was clearly an ass, and you know she doesn’t have it easy. But yet, she’s a fighter. And she wants to make her life better. So she makes a list..

Redford Morgan (Red), is a red haired tattooed towering hunk of a man. But he’s not rich and he’s not a a popular guy. What he is though, is kind, vulnerable, extremely helpful and empathetic of other people’s pain and a very talented painter. He is also coming out of a toxic relationship, when he meets Chloe and his world changes.

I really enjoyed the to and fro dialogues between Chloe and Red and I really loved Chloe’s family too. The next two books in the Brown sister romances features the other two sisters – Dani and Eve, and I can’t wait to read them too.

I liked the fact that Chloe’s illness is not shown in a derogatory manner or as a physical disability for the characters themselves. It is how the society perceives people with illnesses such as Chloe’s or Red’s mom who has diabetes. But we never see that being a problem for either Chloe or Red. I loved how both of them help the other come out of their previous toxic relationships and see how wonderful they actually are and give being in a relationship a chance.

So, I hope, I managed to convince you not to skip romances altogether, and give books like these a chance