A review by tracyreads
Ocean Grave by Matt Serafini


“The world moves too fast...we do not even have time to forget things anymore. That to me is all the more reason to remember. To celebrate the world as it once was, lost treasures as valuable as the one we hunt” (61).

OCEAN GRAVE is a great summer read. International treasure hunters, a sea beast, mercenaries, and a honeymoon gone wrong. Oh and some great female lead characters. I loved Sara and Carly. I saw another review mention Raiders of the Lost Ark, and there is a definite nod to the movie here; I loved it.

Serafini, quite simply, writes wonderfully. The quote above is just one part that made immediately made me break out the post-it notes to mark it down for later. There is a large-ish cast of characters, but it’s done well. After all, for maximum chomping fun there needs to be plenty of fodder.

It’s clear the author has also done his homework in regards to legends, the history of Madagascar, and other technical aspects of the book’s setting, characters, and more. I appreciate that. Nothing pulls me out of a book more than something obviously wrong in regards to simple facts.

I’ll definitely be reading more from Serafini. I recently read Rites of Extinction and loved it as well.