A review by kerisreads
The Out-Of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder by Carol Kranowitz


A very helpful book for parents and teachers of kiddos who just seem... well, out-of-sync with other children or activities that one would expect children to enjoy (getting dressed, swinging, sensory play, eating, etc.)

My biggest criticism is that it does read like a textbook - in that, it's clearly written in terms of IDEAL solutions, not necessarily PRACTICAL solutions... especially if you are a parent to more than one kiddo or a classroom teacher with a full caseload of other students as well. Their list of things to do / implement / accommodate for definitely had some good ideas, but good grief, it looked daunting listed out back to back like that. Plus, some of their "helpful tips" just seemed like basic empathy and good parenting in general, not specific to SPD.

But the explanation of sensory processing disorders themselves were very helpful - especially the charts and subtype descriptions in the middle.

WARNING: Believers, this is written from a purely humanistic point of view - basically, from the perspective that all children are basically good and that their behavioral struggles are purely physical. There are also several references to evolution as an explanation for why brains and instincts work the way they do.

All that said, it's still been incredibly helpful starting point in understanding the "sliding scale" of sensory integration issues, the value of occupational therapy, and why some children seem to have trouble with some of the most basic tasks of childhood in a way that doesn't resolve as they age.

Parents: Don't get overwhelmed. It's a textbook just to get your feet wet.