A review by sducharme
The Wicked and the Just by J. Anderson Coats


Set in Wales in the Middle Ages, this is the story of Cecily, a teen who has lost her position due to English laws governing inheritance. She and her father move to a walled town where the English oppressively tax and control the Welsh, who live outside the walls. She absolutely hates living among the Welsh and behaves like a miserable brat.

In contrasting chapters (and font), Cecily's handmaid tells her version of events. She, too, has lost her position but it's because of the English who have taken over. She's full of hate and vengeance, her entire being set on getting justice.

Neither girl is a particularly sympathetic character, but we gradually warm to both sides. A major crisis leads them to some common ground but it's hard won.

Note: liberal use of old English words would make this a good text for lessons in how we understand words in context.