A review by alyssaindira
Stealing Snow by Danielle Paige


*no spoilers were harmed in the making of this review*

"She brings the snow with her touch,they think she's gone, but we know, she will come again. She will reign in his stead. She will bring down the world on his head. OH come Snow, come. . . "

Hey guys, so I finished Stealing Snow (Stealing Snow, #1) by Danielle Paige. I was initially drawn to this book because of how it started. It just seemed so interesting, Snow's situation and everything. So I wanted to see what would become of it, of her. And I did. And...well, it was a nice novel. It was an okay novel. I mean, the beginning was good, kept me engaged and interested, the middle was kind so so. I felt myself breezing through it. I was simply scanning it. I didnt feel as connected with the story as I just moseyed along. The writing was alright. As in, if the writing was a bit description, it was either easy to scan through, or just kind of...skip? In my opinion, most of the description was more world/environment building. And thus, me being me, did not find it essential to pour over every single detail. But, other readers might like to do exactly that. Hey, to each its own. Im just telling you my experience while reading this book. If you want your own, you read it. So yeah, I felt I got more out of the character's inner monologue and dialogue then any other description. So, the middle of the story ambled along okay. It took some weird twists and turns and went in directions that I wasnt sure what was really happening. I dont think the MC knew either. She was just going where her drive and magic took her. Honestly, I really kind of wanted to just get to the end of it. Then that ending, holy moly. That was...that was something. That really gave the book a last spark of WOW. It was just like, bang bang bang. Revelation over here. Secret over there. Another revelation over here. It was rapid fire of being shocked to no end. Seriously. Man. I was speechless. The ending, the ending was truly spectacular. Basically, my fav parts of the book were the beginning, and the ending. Then, there was one character who was my fav of all. jagger. He was bae. He was so charming and cute and sweet. And for a moment, I thought he was another secret to, but *shrugs*. Anyway, i really liked jagger. He and Snow should be together. OH! Speaking of couples, gods...I felt like there was one love interest after another. Yeah, the romance wasnt very good, in my opinion. I mean, Snow goes on this quest to save her love, and ends up stringing two more along the way? Like wtf? Regardless, I really liked Jagger. He should be endgame. Kai can go screw off. And Bale...I did like him. I also liked Snow's determination to get him. Despite all the obstacles in her way. Everything she did, she did for Bale. I admired that. I suppose I admired Snow as well. Though the one thing I am kind of confused about, is how she went about this world so well. I mean, like, with minimal mental damage from the psychward. She had been pretty messed with in there. I am surprised she was able to function as well as she did. Not only that, but her powers man, those were wicked. Though for some reason, I just imagining her as Elsa from Frozen everytime she did. Is that a good or bad thing? Ha, i'll let you decide. So yeah. Snow was an alright character. Jagger was a really alright character. And everyone else can just be...okay. Ha. Alright, as always, if you guys have any questions or comments, please drop em below. Till next time. Bye.