A review by ehays84
The Moon by Night by Madeleine L'Engle


Not as good as the first one in the series because it is much more about just Vicky and her growing as a teenager and beginning to have romantic relationships. In other words, it's just not as well-rounded of a book with different characters have multiple shades of self and growing as characters. The road trip thing was very fun, especially for me having been to many of those places and it being the summer now. Reading a book written in the early 60s which address the fears of nuclear destruction was also interesting.

L'Engle can just flat out write. You want to keep turning the pages and you want to go inside her books. There aren't really many better ways to praise an author than that, I think.

I will go on to the next one in the series sometime soon--The Young Unicorns. That is actually the only one in this series I read as a kid, and I remember absolutely loving it, but I hardly remember any specifics about it, so I am looking forward to it.