A review by sassytw
Cursed by April Zyon


I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

Krista sees dead people and she is in danger. She is the latest V V who needs the protection of these warriors. I really enjoyed Krista in this story by Ms. Zyon. She has a leg up on the previous virgins because she trusts the ghosts that she sees. And when they tell her to trust and leave with Eric, she sees no reason not to. Especially when their touch sends sparks throughout her body. I loved her sarcasm and wit in uncomfortable situations. Ms. Zyon is a master at believable insta-love and Cursed is no exception. I love seeing Krista and Eric learn and accept each other in the latest installment of this series. Eric is ready for the one meant for him and is willing to do whatever is necessary to protect her. Together they find the trust necessary to protect themselves and their friends. I loved this addition of this series. This story is well written and the characters are believable.