A review by apoorvasr
Rebirth by Jahnavi Barua


Rebirth by Jahnavi Barua
An ode to an existence of a cheated, battered woman. It almost felt like a Japanese classic to me - on the lines of the territory of light by Yuko Tsushima.
There was so less happening in the book but so much more happening . Initially I felt melancholic by the mundanity of the book. But to stop and literally smell the flowers.
The cosy alcove overlooking the park. Meeting the colourful birds and their playfulness. It’s true , nature is healing and nature is the best support .
Kaberi is like all of us - strong and independent at times , indecisive and submissive at times. There’s no judging Kaberi.
Having an offspring seems like the saving chance for her failed marriage . Her husband is a cheating and abusive prick . Her days and nights are dictated for the whisper and acknowledgment of love .
Running in parallel, is her simple childhood shielded by guava trees and nestling in the Brahmaputra river. The light shimmering off the blue- green river healing lost souls.It is true that the times of our childhood are simplest and richer .
The friendships , road trips and the small joys takes centrepiece. Our life is also like that. We constantly want to grow up when we are kids but as adults will find ourselves wishing to reverse time and relive moments as children .
The story of Joya and Kaberi is heartwarming . That one childhood friend who always has your soul. We all do.
The strength of Kaberi is in her quiet and withdrawn demeanour. As the book progressed, we could see the mountain of expectations closing in on her ..
But she had made her decision already..
In the very first page..
It almost felt like intuition to me.