A review by melg14
The Naughty List by Suzanne Young


I'm very disappointed in myself for not putting a review for this book when I read it.

So here goes...

From what I remembered I liked Tessa when I first read this. I even put her in one of my favorite heroines, but after rereading it I don't understand why I liked her. I mean it was great that she wanted to crush the stereotypes of cheerleaders and make them more respectable like: being polite/nice to people, no cussing (difficult for a few), no inappropriate revealing of skin, etc. However, she just seemed too fake to me when I reread it. Like I know that she pretends to be happy all the time for everyone else's sake, but it just made her to be sort of annoying. Don't get me wrong I liked her, but some of her narrating annoyed me. I can't really explain it. But her peeve about cursing kind of annoyed me as well. I mean it's cool that she finds it unbecoming, but she dictates what people can and can't say, which I guess can explain why I didn't really like her like I did before. Sure it goes back to what I said about her making cheerleaders more respectable, but I just didn't like how she would just have them please her with correcting themselves.

I loved Aiden. Don't know why. Haha I've loved him when I first read the book and I still love him after rereading it.

They were the typical couple in books that assumed and didn't talk it out, so that cause some events to go down.

Christian was not as creepy as everyone describes him- at least I didn't think so. I feel like he was just dense with the situation. He kept thinking there could possibly be chance that Tessa might like him. We all have been like that some point in our lives and we all wished that our crushes would dump their partner and fall in love with us. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending him, I'm just saying that it isn't uncommon.

This book was very entertaining with all the spy situations, relationship problems, and how she handles them all.
I loved that it wasn't the typical blonde cheerleading beauty, but that Tessa had dark hair.