A review by twerkingtobeethoven
One Tough Bastard by Adam Howe


What books do I fondly remember because they made me laugh so hard I couldn't help farting? Let's see what comes to mind...

1. Joe Lansdale's "Mister Weed-Eater" & "The Events Concerning a Nude Fold-Out Found in a Harlequin Romance" (tbh, these two are actually short stories but whatever),
2. Edward Lee's [b:The Pig And The House|2565611|The Pig And The House|Edward Lee|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1214882351l/2565611._SY75_.jpg|1620943], [b:The Bighead|905659|The Bighead|Edward Lee|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1347251893l/905659._SY75_.jpg|2574243] & [b:The Minotauress|2903168|The Minotauress|Edward Lee|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1433972237l/2903168._SX50_.jpg|2930307],
3. John Ringo's [b:Ghost|239420|Ghost (Paladin of Shadows, #1)|John Ringo|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1388431416l/239420._SY75_.jpg|1027423](*).

Please, do yourself a favour and read Adam Howe's latest offering, even though you think it might not be your cup of tea. It's a masterpiece, seriously, it is. This book is a tribute to every single action hero from the golden age of the eighties and the nineties...only shaped as a massive piss-taking session, that is. I'll tell you what? I'm one of the sparse bastards who absolutely adored John McTiernan's "Last Action Hero", a criminally underrated action-comedy flick that'll never cease to entertain me & stamp a retarded grin on my face. Right, in case you watched that gem featuring Arnold at the top of his game, "One Though Bastard" smells like a two gallon deluxe bottle of "Jack Slater's Armpit" essence with a touch of bizarro flavour to it (Duke).



Come on, you know you want to read this book.

(*) There are a few people out there who don't seem to be getting the joke, hence are absolutely convinced Ringo's book ought to be taken seriously & hellbent on cancelling it. I shit you not. That's why a couple of years ago or so, I had a bit of an Internet argument with one of said intellectual do-gooders in love with words such as "oxymoron", "dialectic", "subsume", "axiom", etc. I remember trying to reason him, but ended up calling him a "gestapo inbred piece of Fahrenheit 451 dung." Turned out he was one of the mods and proceeded to ban my sorry arse. That pissed me off bigtime...at first. I chuckled afterwards.

PS = https://youtu.be/7qDgCmzh5ao The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin'.