A review by worldlibraries
How to Be Less Stupid about Race: On Racism, White Supremacy, and the Racial Divide by Crystal Marie Fleming


I discovered Dr. Crystal Marie Fleming, a Harvard-trained sociologist, on Twitter, where she is endlessly provocative in a way that makes me marvel at her bravery while she is ‘wig-snatching white supremacy.’ Her confidence in saying the most jaw-dropping things about our country compelled me to buy her book, How to Be Less Stupid About Race. You can follow her on Twitter too. Her account name is @alwaystheself.

Her book is different than her Twitter account (more humble) as she recounts her learning journey discovering racism is more than a cultural phenomenon; it’s also an institutionalized systematic structure set up by white people to assure their supremacy. As white supremacy isn’t born out by science, white people don’t know what they don’t know as all their systems are set up to honor a non-truth.

Reading her made me realize that like the Soviet Union, America was and is based on a dead ideology. Theirs was communism. Ours is white supremacy. When the tipping point happens, where a majority of folks no longer believe in it or support it, and enough people realize it, I wondered, could it all come crashing down? What will be our Berlin Wall moment? I hope it happens peacefully. I hope America keeps all of the beautiful things about being an American citizen and instead just reforms its systems to extend freedom to all.

The book made me wonder, has someone created a master checklist of all the things in our country that need to change if we eliminate white supremacy systems? We have so much to change to renew our beloved country to extend freedom and fairness to all. You know and I know white supremacy is engineered into all of our systems in a million different sneaky ways. What a beacon of love in action America would be to the world if we could reform our systems - peacefully.