A review by adamskiboy528491
Parkland: Birth of a Movement by Dave Cullen


How many kids have to die in order for people to realise this isn't about taking their precious guns away? It's about controlling who can get them. [b:Parkland: Birth of a Movement|41154327|Parkland Birth of a Movement|Dave Cullen|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1534371385l/41154327._SY75_.jpg|64328147] by [a:Dave Cullen|1116816|Dave Cullen|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1544996699p2/1116816.jpg] is not just about the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14th 2018. Its narrative primarily centres on the survivor's activism which made them rise from the ashes.

Being the incredibly detailed research journalist that he is, Cullen profiles many of the March For Our Lives (or MFOL) players like David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez & Cameron Kasky who created their group started in the wake of their school shooting. This book reflects that radical change in thinking and questioning. This isn't a book about the killer, who went unnamed in its entirety; instead, it captures the student activists' stories who refused to be silenced. As the subtitle suggests, it's a book of the birth of a movement.

Cullen's claim to fame is that he also wrote a seminal book on [b:Columbine|5632446|Columbine|Dave Cullen|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1442939134l/5632446._SY75_.jpg|5803859], so it's safe to say that he's an authority on the harsh reality of American school shootings because no one else seems to. There are two types of people in America about gun control: (i) those who say "it's too soon" and (ii) those who say "you're still talking about this?" The book of Columbine was unique for being Cullen's first. Still, in Parkland, he brings the survivors' tragedies to a whole new level with them finally taking a stand to the corrupt system through marches, social media and mainly through words, not bullets.

Even though this happened three years ago and I'm not living in the USA, it still makes me so sad know those 17 kids died for nothing, they died in pain, at such a young age. They had futures; they had families, they had potential to be something, grow up, meet someone, get married, have kids and then watch them do the same and die having no regrets in life. And it was all taken away from them because of one monster. Those children and teachers will be in our hearts till the end of time.