A review by angrywombat
A Time of Exile by Katharine Kerr


Ahh, its a comfort coming back to the world of Deverry and the style of Ms Kerr.

This book, like many of the "dagger*" series is composed of different timelines - this time the 'present' is somme 40 years later when Rhodry is regretting his elvish heritage (and so is his son, waiting for his father to die off so he can inherit). The other timelines mainly follow Adeyrn and the an ill fated uprising which cause the Maelwaedd family (Rhodry's family) to come to power.

This book focussed much more on the Westfolk - the elves of this world, and their mysterious Guardians. Honestly the spirit/otherworldly bits are a bit tiring for me, and I don't yet see their significance, although I am sure I will later in this series. But I really enjoy reading more about the convoluted human politics of how the various families vie for power - and how it all looks so ridiculous to the Westfolk.

Also this book ends on an awesome cliffhanger, where we finally find out what the mysterious silver ring is all about!