A review by gabmc
The English Assassin by Daniel Silva


I'm not sure if I want to meet Gabriel Allon or not. The hero of the series is on the one hand cold and ruthless (after all, he is a trained killer) and on the other feels great remorse when he has to kill. In this book, Gabriel is called to Zurich by London art dealer Julian Isherwood, to restore a painting owned by Swiss banker Augustus Rolfe. However, when Gabriel arrives at the home in Zurich, he finds Rolfe dead. He gets out of there as quickly as possible but not quickly enough to be caught be the Swiss Intelligence Service. Gabriel soon realises this killing is part of something much much bigger - as Rolfe appears to have an art collection that came to him somewhat dubiously during WWII. Gabriel travels to Portugal to meet with Rolfe's daughter, world renowned violinist Anna Rolfe. Soon they realise that they have become targets - it seems that the Swiss banking world will stop at nothing to prevent the truth from being uncovered.