A review by jenamatic
Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody


The story is dark, but sweet and funny at times. Sorina suffers tragedy after tragedy basically right up to the end and honestly, my heart bleeds for her. The story telling is well done! Some of the pieces of the end puzzle I was able to guess at starting around the middle of the book but others completely blindsided me. My biggest qualm was probably with the narrator as I listened to this on audible. She did a great job with the voices and the story telling, but the pace was too slow and I had to speed her up. She also changed volume frequently, which wasn’t an issue in itself, but she would whisper too quietly. It was downright inaudible at times and I’d have to listen again, significantly louder, to hear what I missed. That took me out of the story a good bit. Overall it was pretty enjoyable though!