A review by wvalice
The Diva Steals a Chocolate Kiss by Krista Davis


The Diva series is quite possibly my favorite cozy mystery series. I enjoy the characters, and their interactions with each other seem believable. The story moves along nicely and is well written. I especially like the fact that she gives a list of characters at the front of the book because sometimes I get confused as to who is who (that comes from reading 4 books at one time, I think). I also enjoy the little tips that she gives through the guise of letters written to Sophie and Natasha's columns, especially since she occasionally puts the writers as being from WV, my home state.

This book has Sophie being asked to plan an anniversary celebration for a chocolate store, which of course leads to murder and mayhem. There is family drama and enough characters who act suspiciously that you don't figure out who did it too soon. The mystery moves along quickly and has a satisfying conclusion.

I definitely recommend this series to all readers of cozy mysteries.