A review by thegalaxypanda96
Life Inside My Mind: 31 Authors Share Their Personal Struggles by Robison Wells, Maureen Johnson


(Warning this book may upset you if you have or if you have someone you love who has these mental illness : Depression, Anxiety, OCD, ADD, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer, Bulimia, Anorexia, Addiction, Body Dystopia and Suicidal)

Jessica is my favorite author so I was really excited when I learned about this book I’ve been dealing with my depression and anxiety since I was 18 though I think I had them long before that I just thought it was normal and they weren’t as severe back then so finding out my favorite author ever the woman that made me love reading was putting out a book with essays on mental illness with a bunch of different authors was a pretty big deal to me

I’ll be honest while I loved this book and think everyone should read it I did have a few problems I had to put it down at times and just not read it because while it was wonderful to see so many people who had the same problems as me it was also hard to see as well and it made me go into my darker moods so if you have a mental or have someone close to you that does it may be difficult to read at times but for me it was worth it

I related to so many of the stories even when me and the author weren’t facing the same problems I found a bit of myself in each and every story the one I related to most was Escape Clause By Jennifer L. Armentrout I had to put the book down during that one because it was really hitting me close to home with how similar we both feel

Sometimes when I didn’t see myself I saw people who I love who have been there and when there was no one I knew I still felt so much because this was real all of them have went through this and still are and that made it powerful

while sad and hard to read at times a felt a bit of hope as well yes I may have depression and anxiety for the rest of my life but I can learn to live with them and have a happy and full life yes there will be bed times when I just don’t wanna get up and think I’m though but there will always be something worth fighting for and that’s what’s important