A review by scarlettletters
Signing Their Lives Away by Denise Kiernan


Most people, if pressed, could name perhaps 1-5 of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. But there are lots of other people who signed this document. D'Agnese tells the stories behind every one of these men with a fair dose of humor. He is determined not to romanticize their actions and makes it clear that almost none of these men were victimized for the stand they took against British rule. This book probably works best as a reference work--one of many places to go for information about a particular person. I did read it cover to cover, a section or so at a time, so if you are very interested in history that could be entertaining. The jacket also folds out into a copy of the D.o.I. which is kind of cool for a classroom or something.

I received this book free from Goodreads First Reads.