A review by nikkisbooknook
Cold & Deadly by Toni Anderson


What a superb start to a new branch of the Cold Justice Series!

Dominic may be the experienced Agent but Ava has killer instincts and, like a dog with a bone, she isn't giving up on her theory. She knows there is more to th death of her friend and mentor. She won't let the FBI sweep his "accident" under the rug.

As Dominic and Ava are forced to spend time together, developments are made and it seems that someone is attempting to clean house. The FBI agents are becoing targets of a warped serial killer.

This was a truly well written and crafted story. The characters are passionate about what they do, and each other! I defy you not to attempt to read this in one go because there is no rest in the story where it makes sense to put it down! Ava is all sharp edges and when Dominic could come across as sleazy and using his status to get his way, he's actually doing everything NOT to be alone with Ava.

Loved meeting some of the "old" gang again. There is no way you'd get me to traipse through the woods with a murderer, no matter how desperate the circumstances!