A review by cozynoveltea
Name Your Price by Holly James


[Thank you to NetGalley & Penguin Group Dutton for the opportunity to read this digital ARC in exchange for my honest opinions]

If you were offered a million dollars to live with your ex for a month and be filmed for a reality tv show, would you do it?

Holly James has this uncanny ability to take a "can you imagine if..." situation, and cleverly transform it into a story.

We meet Olivia and Chuck as they're breaking up in a very dramatic and public manner. At no point does it feel like the relationship's demise can be pinned on one person. Both characters have flaws that have prevented them from understanding each other but their sexual chemistry allowed them to ignore those issues for a while (they literally cannot keep their hands off of each other). As a reader, you're given little glimpses of their relationship and you can't help but feel hopeful for Olivia and Chuck's relationship to be repaired.

This book feels like a quick read, most likely thanks to the chemistry and banter between Olivia and Chuck. It's the perfect Summer read.

Perfect if you love:
Forced proximity
Only one bed
MCs in their 30's
Hollywood romance
Second chance romance