A review by harleyann
The Trouble With Love by Claire Contreras


Have you ever just finished a book and thought what the actual fuck? Well that’s how I’m feeling right now. I can barely even think of where to start on this book. I guess we’ll start with the beginning I kind of liked it. it was an intriguing storyline. I actually felt like this book should have been longer to flush out more of the details especially of the heroine’s childhood. The hero I liked. I super don’t understand how his ex-wife could have cheated on him but I liked him as a person even though he was a little jaded at the beginning on love(who wouldn’t be). The heroine I would have loved to have learned more about her childhood and kind of how she became who she was. The middle part the heroine started to irritate a little because we had all this teeny tiny bits of why she was the way she was but we never actually fully found out why she was the way she was. Then we get to the climax or ending and all I can say is what the actual fuck. I don’t understand why she gets so bent out of shape. Like let’s just think about this they hooked up two years ago the divorce was finalized a year and a half ago in my head knowing these numbers and dates I’d be like oh he wasn’t quite divorced yet and yet she flips her ever loving mind at finding out that he wasnt divorce yet. Then she drags it out with the I want him to want me but I don’t want him to want me mentality and really starting to irritate me like make up your damn mind. Then when she finally does decide to forgive him for not telling her that he technically cheated on his wife with her because technically they werent divorced yet it just jumps to Ok now we’re gonna move in together and get married. There is also very little said about the recovery of her mother and their relationship which I feel would have added a lot to the story. maybe a little bit of those therapy sessions that they went to. Honestly I think that it was a good idea but very poorly executed and there was just so much more she could’ve added to fill out some of the details that I as a reader feel like I needed to know. Like the throw in moments of you know she was raped but says she allowed herself to be raped at 14 and then it’s like never fucking mentioned again. Overall 2.5 2.7 star for me because I liked the idea but really just hated how it was executed. I like Jacob Morgan as a narrator also and I wish we had gotten more of the hero’s point of view as well.