A review by dsylexa
Pig Son by Sequoia Nagamatsu


Oh, my goodness, this story shattered my heart into a million pieces. I closed the story with tears streaming down my face, and that line, 'Snortorious turns his head and looks straight at me as if to say, I know about that too. I know more than I could ever tell you,' hit me like a ton of bricks. This narrative is a rollercoaster of emotions – undeniably excellent, yet heart-wrenchingly sad.

You know a story is exceptional when it lingers in your mind long after you've finished it. 'Pig Son' is one of those tales that not only captures your heart but also stirs your conscience. It makes you ponder the choices you make, including the idea of adopting a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. Suddenly, you find yourself gazing into your pets' eyes with newfound depth, wishing for a connection that transcends language, even though you're also relieved by the communication barrier that separates us from our furry companions.

Ultimately, this story challenges the very boundaries that distinguish 'pet' from 'person,' leaving you with profound questions about the nature of our relationships with animals and the complex web of emotions that connect us. 'Pig Son' is a powerful narrative that leaves an indelible mark on your heart and your worldview.