A review by amym84
The Face of Deception by Iris Johansen


I starting reading this series because I saw the trilogy [b:Eve|8702806|Eve|Iris Johansen|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1312003370s/8702806.jpg|13575598], [b:Quinn|9789566|Quinn|Iris Johansen|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1317067431s/9789566.jpg|14679600], and [b:Bonnie|9789572|Bonnie|Iris Johansen|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1314903168s/9789572.jpg|14679606] at the bookstore and wanted to read them. Well, I decided to check on goodreads first and good thing I did because obviously I found out that these characters were part of the bigger Even Duncan series. So now I'm reading this series from the beginning. I have to say I really just knew the basics going in. Eve is a facial sculpter and has been since the abduction and death of her daughter years before. She still mourns and feels guilty about the loss of her daughter and hopes to one day recover and identify her body. I think that this storyline runs throughout the series, but each book features a different case for Eve to solve.

I've never really been one to read crime thrillers. I just didn't think I would enjoy them. I thought that this book was good and I think what makes me want to continue on with the series is the backstory with all the characters. I'm very interested to see how they grow and what life throws at them.

I thought that the mystery was done really well. Even though we figured out who did it early on, it was interesting to see how things unfolded and how our main characters would prevail.

I look forward to continuing this series, and I would recommend them to anyone who likes good crime novel.