A review by penguingirl
The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks


This book with the words that leapt off the page, were beyond beautiful with words alone. But to me this book was similar to a beautiful song being played on a piano. It was so easy to get lost in the story, the characters, and the love the book brought to life!

This one had a lot of feelings and emotions brought onto the reader in a good way. It kept you not only interested, but rooting for the main characters Jody and Adam

Both were different but at the same time they were like musical notes that come together and make not only a beautiful song, but also a beautiful melody.

I find what's meant to be always will find its way no matter how much you may pul against the strains of the universe, and that is exactly what happened in this story.

Adam he was a person who strong minded. He had closed his heart off. He had been hurt very badly, so personally I could not blame him for his feelings of not wanting to feel or to trust. Or let alone bring down his walls and allow himself to care, and risk giving the person his heart not knowing if he would get hurt again.

Jody to me made me think at times, was this character secretly based on me? Jody hasn't had a very easy life. She constantly seems to be let down in life be it relationships, jobs, as well as her own happiness. I find she constantly was trying to find herself and most importantly find a place where she belonged. But where did she really? Is that such an easy question for us to have as a goal not knowing how long it would take to achieve?

Jody and Adam meet and spars fly I would say, but their walls push each other away. Jody was different and Adam was very much drawn to her, though he gave himself every excuse in the book to while he shouldn't, but when the heart truly knows, can you do anything really but listen to it?

What I loved about these two was not only how much chemistry they had, but how much they deserved each other. They didn't have an easy life on both their sides. And being together was not as easy as basically black and white. There was some cryptic code and splash of colors swirled together. But, I find as it is with life, in the end if you really want something, you work for it every day. You never stop trying. If you stop you could very well lose it forever. And how could you go on knowing you got a taste of happiness and let it go because you didn't try the amount you had to?

And especially I loved how at the end everything made sense and was a like a big comfortable bed. It was like a painting that was done and you could gaze upon and smile. And feel nothing but true bliss.

The author wrote a truly beautiful novel and I will be looking to read more of their work for sure. I really enjoyed this and made my heart happy and connected all the way reading through.

Highly recommend, read this and let your heart feel things from this beautiful book more than words can say. Remarkable writing would be an understatement.