A review by anpanini
The Last Forever by Deb Caletti


Honestly underwhelming. Deb Caletti keeps setting up situations where characters are healing, plots that are generally pretty okay. Then, she wrenches them with horrid plot twists that prove to be anticlimactic and dull. Henry is gay, and although I would've been fine with this, it was presented in such a way that it made it seem like Caletti was just trying to be "woke". Like no. Stop. Stop right there. Right when Tessa started being resilient and taking control of her life, Henry shatters it into pieces. Henry used her. He knew he had to sort things out, but if Elijah hadn't come that night when he did, Tess's virginity would be gone. To whom? Someone who didn't even love her? Yeah...honestly, Deb made it seem like we should still like Henry as a character, but after hurting Tess so much and just crusading off without a second glance- really makes it seem like he doesn't care. Sexuality is not the only factor people look at when deciding whether a character is good or bad. I loved the characters and the plot. Until the ending, this book was pretty fluffy.