A review by candeelon08
The Truth of Things by Tasha L. Harrison



First time reading her work and I was entertained. I have to say that it was really nice to read about a regular sized guy for a change instead of the usual 6 feet something. Levi was a good guy trying to do good in the community all while serving and protecting as a cop. Stevenson made me want a slap her continuously. Ava was a great character. To see her as a regular person, having regular everyday issues, dealing with a troubled childhood that she lives with on a daily basis, seeing her struggling with anxiety, it all made her such a relatable character. The situation with Emil and taking him in to mentor him was as cathartic for her as it was for him. To see what happened to him, the emotional toll it took on her was heartbreaking. I definitely got misty eyed all throughout that scene because we see it on the news every day. It was nice to read a book about an everyday man and woman, navigating through the pitfalls of life. Trying to live in a society that judges others based off of their pasts, their skin color, their association with others, it was a good read.