A review by missfancyreads
Pharaoh: Wolf Warriors MC by K.C. Mills


Wolf Warriors is Sons of Anarchy but make it black and better! Pharaoh and Yahri were cute but honestly I’m here for the Bash and Ro bromance!

I loved book 1 so seeing more of Bash and Cambri was a plus. Seeing more of Bash and Ro’s friendship in book 2 had me swooning for a different reason. The “you ride, I ride” thing just really pulled me in. They were so willing to go against any and everybody for each other it made the overall story 10x better!

Ro and Ri are a second chance at their first chance sort of deal. They wanted each other in the past but didn’t cross the line out of respect for Yahri’s father. I liked jumping into Ro’s past and his evolution with Ri. Their tag team with Gears was and her little incident with the razor were chefs kiss. They were definitely meant to be!