A review by lizziepagereads
No Judgments by Meg Cabot


I’m torn on this book. I read it because I like the premise of riding out a hurricane on a small island in the Florida keys, I enjoy some of Meg Cabot’s other books, and -truthfully- because the cover is so cute (at least I’m honest!).

It was a quick and kind of fun read, but, as someone who reads to get lost in the characters and their journeys, I was disappointed by the unrelatableness of the characters and often bewildered by their motivations. Actual character development was scant and almost everyone felt one-dimensional. Even when the main character took action to confront her fears and face an unpleasantness from her past, the author focused too much on the actual actions, glossing over the character’s emotional journey. By the end, I still didn’t feel connected to the main character. It felt more like real life, where we superficially follow the actions and timeline of someone else, not knowing why they’re doing something or what they’re feeling.

All of that said, I really enjoyed reading it and would recommend it to someone who generally likes this genre. The development of the island itself made the setting one of the most dynamic and interesting characters, and its charm is reason that I’m crossing my fingers for a sequel. Hopefully the second time around, Meg will focus more on the characters and bring them to life the way she did with Little Bridge.
