A review by tessanne
The Duke Redemption by Grace Callaway


I read the first book in this series and felt very disappointed, but am glad I gave Callaway another chance because I really enjoyed this book.

I don’t mind a book with lots of sex scenes, as long as many of them move the story along in some way. This book had a lot, not all of which were explicit, and I thought almost every one of them was valuable.

I liked both main characters, though it took me a bit to warm up to Wick, the hero. I was annoyed that he kept trying to delude himself for so long, but honestly, don’t we all do this sometimes?

I liked Bea, who was stubborn AF, but not in a stupid way. The times when she ran made sense to me. Both characters’ arcs were logical, which is not something that happens all that often, and I’m very appreciative of when it does.

I started this review thinking 3.75 stars, but in writing, realized it was actually stronger than that. A solid four stars for me.