A review by trapwomanistcyborgwitch
Big Girl by Mecca Jamilah Sullivan


Book: Big Girl
Author: Mecca Jamilah Sullivan
Pgs: 288
Genre: Literary Fiction

what the mirror said
by Lucille Clifton

you a wonder.
you a city
of a woman.
you got a geography
of your own.
somebody need a map
to understand you.
somebody need directions
to move around you.
you not a noplace
mister with his hands on you
he got his hands on

I wish Malaya Clondon would have heard this poem so that she could be encouraged. Big Girl is a lovely, big-hearted novel full of light and sadness. I loved Malaya, who only wanted to feel love or to feel love in general from the music that she listened to, the food that she ate, and the people that she loved. She is a talented artist that loved music and was brought up to love it by her father. Her interest evolved to loving Hip-hop in all IRS forms. This story was a hard read, especially regarding her parents/grandmother, who really meant well, but ended up hurting her instead. The fatphobia and misogynoir from all sides did not stop her moments of queer romance. This coming-of-age story broke my heart into pieces but gave me hope for Malya and other girls like her. I created a playlist inspired by her father, her love of hip-hop, and, most of all, her love of beautiful black girls like herself. Thank you, @hearourvoicestours and the publisher, for letting me be a part of this tour.#BigGirl #HearOurVoices #hov