A review by coffeedogsbooks
The Cult of Eden: Book One of the Unrisen by Bill Halpin


The Cult of Eden (Book One of the Unrisen)
Author: Bill Halpin

The Cult of Eden is a horror story with Religious undertones (Good vs Evil), which is normally something that can make me a little gunshot, but this one hits to out of the park. Halpin dies a great job making us both love and hate the characters. Will Battese is somewhat of a failure. Dropping out of college, working at a low end diner, and basically a doormat for his wife, Shannon who is very unlikeable but turns into a strong character. After an unexpected pregnancy brings them their son, Gideon and Will meets Victor Degas, things go from bad to worse. Degas is part of a cult known as the Edens and they want Will for their ritual. When Will and Gideon are kidnapped, its up to Shannon to try and rescue them, with the help from the Catholic Church. But, are they really helping? After the early part of the book, which is a little slow, but necessary for character development, things move very quickly. There is a fair amount of gore in this book, so reader beware if that’s not your thing. I love a good horror story, it’s actually one of my favorite genres, and this is one. The story does a good job setting up for the next book, which I look forward to reading. I give this 4/5 stars

Thank you to Blackthorn Book Tours and Bill Halpin for the review copy of this book.