A review by bookishrealm
Bending The Rules by Christina C. Jones


Bending the Rules is probably the weakest in the trilogy, but it still showcases Jones' excellent writing skills. 3.5 Stars

Second chance romances can be tricky depending on the reason that the couple didn't work the first time. Bending the Rules isn't exactly a second chance romance since the characters were just friends, but it has that feel to it and the reason why they stopped communicating/being friends is absolutely ridiculous. Toni and Justin were the most frustrating couple to deal with in this series. It wasn't that their romance wasn't enjoyable or that they didn't have chemistry. I simply couldn't deal with how indecisive Toni was when it came to Justin. The cause behind the grudge wasn't worth the seven years that these two lost. And while I am completely aware that most grudges do not make sense, I think that it added a layer of character development for Toni that made her slightly unlikeable in some sections of the book. In my personal life, I'm a huge huge advocate for communication in any interpersonal relationship. It doesn't just have to be romantic and it's hard for me to adjust to romance books where the central conflict revolves around miscommunication. There were moments when a simple conversation could have patched up the issues between Toni and Justin so as a reader it was frustrating when they wouldn't just talk. This is why the miscommunication trope is probably one of the trickiest tropes for me to enjoy as a romance reader.

Other than that, I enjoyed other elements of the book including Jones' writing and the chemistry between Toni and Justin. While they are determined to deny any feelings that they have for each other, it is clear to other characters as well as readers that they work well together. I loved that this particular book was centered on the literary world. I love books that are about people who love books especially when it deals with romance. The pacing was great and Jones has the ability to build empathy and room to have tough discussions about the experiences of others. This book in particular has a content warning for infertility. There were also moments for readers to get updates on the other characters from previous books which, for me, is a must when specifically creating family saga romances. Overall, this was a great read and I'm looking forward to reading more about the Wright extended family members.