A review by seregelda
The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster by Bobby Henderson


CW: ableism, ableist r-word, little people slur, genitals slur, fat-shaming, misogyny, homophobia, r*pe mention

This book was written by a 25 year old dudebro in 2005, and it does not hold up. The dated humor is hetero cis male centric, and I wonder if I even would have enjoyed it back in the 00's when I put it on my TBR. Pastafarianism claims to be pro same-sex relationships and anti misogyny, but it is plainly full of bigotry in the text. I was thoroughly disappointed by what I thought would be an amusing short book and I will not be converting. That being said, I still have many questions about the stripper factory in FSM heaven (Is it hell for strippers? Do they have to perform or are they just made? In fact are they robots?)