A review by smalltownbookmom
Seoulmates by Jen Frederick


3.5 rounded up.

I really enjoyed this continuation of Hara's journey to self-discovery and love in her birth country. Raised in America by her adopted parents, Hara traveled to Korea to find her birth mom and ends getting a job working for her company. She also is struggling to adjust to the Korean culture and language while waiting for her boyfriend Choi (who is also her step-brother) to return. The story really picks up when Choi and Hara get to finally be together and start fighting for the chance to have an open relationship (something that is very taboo in Korean culture even though they aren't related by blood). This book was also full of lots of amazing food as Hara starts a food truck business which I loved for her. Great on audio, this was a fun, feel-good #ownvoices romance. Much thanks to NetGalley and Berkley for my advance review copy!

Steam level: a few open door scenes (as opposed to book one which was kissing only)

Favorite quote:

"I came to Korea to find my family, to figure out where I belonged. And what I learned is that family has never been about blood. Family is about the people you love and the people who love you back. And in that circle, you are never an outsider, a person with no name. You always belong."