A review by mustlovemustypages
Caught by Surprise by Jen Turano


A big improvement writing-wise from the second book in the series, this was a solid 4.5 stars. It had all of the ridiculous antics and unbelievable plot twists of the previous installments along with the trope of childhood friends to lovers. The opening of the book involving Temperance and the "criminals" along with the "rescue" by Gilbert was quite hilarious. I liked all of the mysteries involved and almost how they were all concluded, except some of the more serious ones I wish had been dealt with some more gravity and not just tied up with a fancy bow. Still, I'm always looking for happy endings so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. The redemption arc for Clementine, while I wish was explored a little more, was a pleasant surprise as often in books the perceived villain stays that way throughout. Ending with the perspective of the Reverend was a great way to end the trilogy.