A review by andrereading
The Resurrection Fireplace by Hiroko Minagawa


The Resurrection Fireplace by Hiroko Minagawa was absolutely incredible. I won’t lie, when I first started reading, I was a bit skeptical and confused about what this book wanted to be. However, as the novel progressed, I fell deeper and deeper into the characters and the story.

I’m an avid fan of historical fiction, but this is a book that is truly like no other. It’s a total mystery - it keeps you guessing over and over again. The twists and turns that were interwoven throughout the story kept me engaged and engrossed. In the final few pages when I thought I had everything figured out, I was thrown for a loop once again in such a brilliant way I can’t believe I didn’t discover if sooner.

One thing that I look for in a book is good characters, and boy does The Resurrection Fireplace have just that. I felt for every single character and times was rooting for both sides in the story. Professor Barton and his students had such wonderful connections with each other I felt like I was there watching old friends talk and interact with each other. And the various detectives and suspects were also just incredible.

The only reason I’m giving this a 4 star rather than a 5 star is that I feel like there were a few instances where jump cuts were super jarring between scenes that left me confused for a few sentences. Other than that I truly enjoyed myself while reading this book.

I’d like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for providing me this ARC. I’m so glad I had a chance to read this!