A review by karensbooks
Go Ask Alice by Beatrice Sparks


Full review: http://karenschoice-books.blogspot.no/2014/10/book-review-go-ask-alice.html

You seriously have to read this book!

I know you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, and I didn't! I judged it by it's title... Anyway, I picked this book up when I was in the USA, since it seemed interesting and I have a thing for Alice in Wonderland. And no, this book is not another Alice in Wonderland inspired book, it's only the title that it inspired by that book.

This book was written for 25 years ago! So I was a little skeptic about it, but when I first started to read it, I couldn't stop and finished it in two hours (it's not a thick book)! It was so good and very sad, I had to fight back some tears while reading.

The publishers said that it used to be a girl's diary, though later is has been some speculations about a possible author. I don't think this book is a real diary, but that doesn't make the book any less interesting or realistic.

So, a guy asked me if I think this book is more relevant today then it was back in 1971, and I said yes, it's definitive more relevant today, since more and more teenagers are experimenting with drugs. It's becoming a bigger problem and many teenagers (and grown ups) dies of overdosing. I will never ever try drugs after reading this book! I do not want to end up like that poor girl.

The plot is amazing, the book is easy to read and it's always happening something, never a dull moment. So please give it a try, I strongly recommend it.