A review by rachelreadsdaily
Thirty Happens by Elizabeth Butts


Let me start out by saying that Elizabeth is an amazingly talented writer. I've been lucky enough to get advanced copies of all three books and have literally devoured them like a fresh from the oven cupcake with melty frosting. They're that good! If you missed the first two, seriously, pick them up and devour them too! While these can all be read as stand alone there are a few elements that build throughout. So... Thirty Happens.

I loved Karyn. She was a wonderful character and the dynamic between her and Chris and her and her girls is amazing. Karyn makes big life decisions throughout this book and the development of those choices is phenomenal. I don't want to give too much away, but seriously, get this book and devour it! It's a fresh, quick, easy read that will make you laugh out loud, possibly shed a few tears (maybe even on your cupcake), and overall, will just make you feel good!