A review by chrys_marin
The Sandman, Vol. 3: Dream Country by Neil Gaiman, Kelley Jones


"Dream Country" contains four short stand-alone episodes of "The Sandman": "Calliope", which tells the story of a muse enslaved by a novelist in order to provide him with ideas; "A Dream of a Thousand Cats", a story told from the perspective of a cat about humankind's tyranny; "A Midsummer Night's Dream", a retelling of Shakespeare's first performance of this play; and "Facade", the tale of a woman who has turned into an immortal but only wishes death.

The stories are dark and will make you feel uncomfortable, but they always have a good message and are beautifully depicted and narrated. Although it would help to have read at least the first volume in "The Sandman" collection before tackling this one, this volume can stand on its own and you can jump right into it without having previously read the other volumes.

Recommended for fans of the horror genre, comic books and Neil Gaiman in general.

If you read the e-book version, it contains at the end of the book Gaiman's original script to "Calliope", annotated by the writer and the artist, which may be of interest to aspiring writers.