A review by always_need_more_books
The End of the World Survivors Club by Adrian J. Walker


Following on from The End of the World Running Club (which I haven't read) in which Ed Hill literally runs across the country to get to his wife Beth and their children, this book continues with the story but this time told from Beth's point of view.
Asteroids have hit the Earth and destroyed life as we know it - communication systems have been wiped out, their is no government or law and parts of the Earth are flooded. Beth Hill has managed to survive the apocalypse with a baby and toddler in tow, living in hellish conditions in an evacuation camp, while unbeknownst to her, Ed is doing everything in his power to reach them. As the story opens, she is joining a cruise ship which is taking survivors to Cape Town. Unfortunately, because Ed doesn't have the right papers, he isn't able to join them and they are separated once more.
On the ship, she makes friends with Mary, who helps with childcare when Beth is called upon to use her IT skills to help fix the ship's computer. When disaster strikes, and Beth's children are taken from her, she will do every thing within her power to get them back.
I thoroughly enjoyed this romp which seemed to move from one disaster to the next. As I have said before on here, I do enjoy dystopian fiction. And I also absolutely love a disaster movie. San Andreas, The Day After Tomorrow and Deep Impact are a few of my favourites so this was the absolutely perfect mix for me!
Beth Hill is pretty annoyed at her husband - she is quite used to doing everything herself so when she has to survive an apocalypse and care for her children alone, it comes as no surprise to her. She is amazed however when Ed makes it to the evacuation camp but there is little time for a reunion before they have to leave him behind again.
This is ultimately a tale of friendship, a mother's love and surviving against all the odds. Beth's journey to Florida by sea is helped by various friends she makes along the way. But by no means is the journey straightforward - as well as having to navigate the sea with very primitive navigation equipment, they have a gangster following them because they stole his boat! Beth tells the story and her narration makes me really warm to her - she is funny and honest (especially about parenting) and it is obvious, that her and Ed were not all that happy before the apocalypse happened.
I very much enjoyed this! It was exciting and although I wasn't sure I believed some of the events were plausible, that was OK! I think this would make a great film, one of those movies you watch thinking "This can't get any worse" and then it does. An exciting story set in a different world, one without rules., I'm keen to go back and read the first book now too!