A review by anna4
Shooters by Julia Boggio

Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
I respectfully DNF this at around 50%.

The book started off alright and it went fine until the 30% mark. I genuinely thought this might be a cute little story. After that 30% mark though, I started to care less and less. 
The story somehow went in a completely different direction than I was initially expecting, which is fine, but it also felt really odd, compared to how the book started.

The cast of characters was alright, I guess. I felt somewhat indifferent towards Stella, the main character. 
Claudia, Stella's best friend, was getting annoying at some point.  Liliwen, while a side character, definitely was a delight and the absolute star of the book in my humble opinion. 
Connor, who I think is supposed to be Stella's love interest, was...there. They had like 3 very short, cute moments but other than that, I just don't see how they are suppose to work in the end.

I wish we would have seen more of Stellas Italian side. There were Italian phrases thrown in almost every chapter (nothing against it, not annoying or anything like that, its the opposite actually), which her mother always liked to say, but thats about it. I also somehow feel like there was an underlining conflict between Stella and her parents, but I don't think this would have been getting resolved in the rest of the book.
There was also several times said, that she used to dance with Tristan, her now roommate and model but I don't think it was every explained why they started or stopped doing competitions.

There was one major time two month time jump I'd say around the 50% mark of the book, which was very off. One chapter Stella was having a meeting with a client and debating to call up Connor to ask for a favour he owned her, the next chapter she was already at the previous chapter's client wedding. IT's like, quite literally, missing a chapter.

At that point, I just didn't care enough to keep reading.

Thank you BooksGoSocial for providing this book for review via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.