A review by africanbookaddict
Like a Mule Bringing Ice Cream to the Sun by Sarah Ladipo Manyika


!!! https://africanbookaddict.com/2018/06/14/like-a-mule-bringing-ice-cream-to-the-sun-by-sarah-ladipo-manyika/

More like 3.5 stars.
Decent, really easy-going novella centered around 75 y/o Dr. Morayo, who’s a retired Literature professor. You’d never believe Morayo’s a senior citizen as she carries herself as if she’s in her 40’s - she dances, enjoys music, wants a tattoo, has perfect memory, has a healthy sexual appetite, still drives her Porsche, has lots and lots of books that occupy her time, is childless (and not broken by it) - Morayo is basically old lady goals.

- full review on the book blog, linked above -