A review by polyreader
Insatiable by Daisy Buchanan


Here stands a book with more sex scenes than anything I’ve ever read... I mean, this thing has more sex scenes than Anïas Nin, which is saying a lot.

Labelled as ‘A love story for greedy girls’, this is the story of Violet, a millennial woman who is battling an internal dialogue between what she wants and what she needs. Grappling to take control of her own career, sex-life and relationships is difficult when society is still pitted against the single young woman’s freedom of choice and autonomy.

Violet is often disregarded and dismissed, never quite taken seriously in life, until a glamorous older couple show up and seduce her with their money, their sex parties and promises of a shiny new career in the art world. Violet falls head over heels and what follows is a heck of a lot of sex, food, art, debt, gross older rich white men and then wanting more of all of it.

This book covers a lot of heavy topics including: the male gaze, eating disorders, abuse, child loss and grief. The latter two came unexpectedly and were quite harrowing, so be prepared for that.

I do feel like this book had a really interesting premise, Buchanan explored something really interesting here, not just from Violets perspective but also the characters around her and what they were going through / dealing with. Honestly though, I think the endless sex scenes (while they were there to paint a picture) became kind of superfluous and overstated - few littered throughout would’ve been perfect.

Personally, the happy ending was needed, it saved the story for me as a whole. Overall I think this is a book about a desperate search for belonging, acceptance and love.. while being completely taken advantage of (continuously) by people who hold more power. This is often the experience of women, especially young women, and that is what is so well portrayed here. An abundant achievement for a debut novel!

✅ This book is for you if you are a: Millennial woman, or you like a lot of raunch.