A review by lunchlander
DC 52 Omnibus by Mark Waid, Grant Morrison, Geoff Johns


Post Identity Crisis I was pretty done with DC. But as things move forward and their books become more and more dark and uninteresting to me, I revisit the older works and find the stuff I didn’t like more palatable by comparison. Maybe in five years or so I’ll find the hidden gems of Rebirth and New 52.

At the time I read this, I was annoyed at the casual killing off of perfectly good characters, but even at the time I loved some of the stories here. The battle for Nat’s soul between Steel and Luthor, the friendship/mentor relationship between The Question and Montoya, the weirdness of Oolong Island and the space fellowship that included a blind Adam Strange and a pacifist Lobo, a focus on Booster Gold, some solid mysteries... it’s a good read, even if some stories (the Lady Styx story, whatever the hell that Mr Mind thing was at the end) don’t quite satisfy.

The art breakdowns are consistent thanks to Giffen but the guest finishers and obvious time pressures do mean that some art is stronger than others. Still, kudos to everyone for actually managing an on-time weekly book that delivered weekly reasons to keep reading and a satisfying story when collected years later.

On balance, I’d probably give this three and a half stars, but when considering whether to round up or down, there’s just enough that doesn’t work for me to call this good rather than great.