A review by luellen1990
Because She Loves Me by Mark Edwards


Because She Loves Me by Mark Edwards

Title - Because She Loves Me
Author - Mark Edwards
Published - Sept '14
Publisher - Thomas and Mercer
Genre - #Psychological Thriller #Mystery #Thriller #Crime
Pages - 348
Price on Amazon - Paperback - £4.99 Kindle - £3.98
ISBN - 177824863

Andrew Sumner was at the hospital when he met a beautiful and unique women names Charlotte. As Andrew and Charlie as she prefers to be called, begin on an intense and passionate relationship Andrew starts to notice things, someone is following him, things keep being moved round in his flat, this strangeness then starts to not only affect him but his friends and family too.

Is Andrew losing his grip on reality? Is Charlie really the women of his dreams or the stuff of nightmares?

Mark Edwards has done it again, a truly wonderful book. Full of twists and turns you do not see coming. I was so sure I knew who was behind all the strange occurrences affecting Andrew but boy was I wrong, I wasn't even close. I listened to the audiobook version of this book and even my wife who isn't a big reader found herself staying awake at night to listen to it with me.

This book was so well written which of course I wouldn't expect anything less from Mark Edwards, he's such an amazing author and is definitely my all time favourite author this year.

The characters are likeable, well written and realistic. They fit the storyline perfectly. The plot was captivating, unpredictable and kept me totally hooked. I couldn't stop listening. I now have the audiobook and the Kindle version and it won't be long before I buy the paperback to add to my collection.

Rating - Five out of Five Stars
Would I Read Again? - Yes
Would I Recommend? - Yes
Would I read other books by the same author? - Yes

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