A review by thirty37seven
The Flash, Vol. 2: The Road to Flashpoint by Geoff Johns


Thawne is a fucking dick. I love a villain I can actually hate. Imagine erasing your brother from existence and killing your parents because they're interfering with your studies. Or scrambling some girl's brains because she won't love you and that's AFTER erasing anyone else she might have loved before you. Not to mention killing Flash's mom.

Thawne can't erase Barry though and I like the reasoning. He gets knowledge of his powers because of Barry. If he were to erase Barry, he would never get that knowledge and would never become Reverse Flash. Basically, time-paradox. Reverse Flash can only exist if Barry Allen exists.

I just realized that this is the first DC book I've read without Batman in it. Holy shit, congratulations to Geoff Johns, somebody actually managed to make me care about characters outside the bat-verse.