A review by flosmith
The Stone of Darkness by Resa Nelson


I received a free copy of this book for review.

This is the third installment in the Dragonslayer series which follows the life of Astrid who came to Guell as a child to be raised as a blacksmith and find her calling as a dragonslayer. I found this book much darker as we know war is coming to the Northlands with the Krystr.

I love the character of Astrid. She is a strong woman but flawed as the rest of us. We see the toll life is taking on her with the loss of friends and loved ones and the coming war with the Krystr. It seems so unfair that she has had to deal with so many losses. The dragons are kept more in the background in this book. We learn the answers to previous questions about how they manipulated Astrid but not so much the why. But now they seem to be dealing with their own problems taking them out of much of the action.

Nelson is once again dealing with some very hard subjects such as women's rights and religious freedoms. And she does a wonderful job showing you more than one side of an issue.

I love the world and the characters in this series. Its all been wonderfully brought to life and in each book we have met new characters that each have lives of their own. Its a world full of magic and dragons and wonderful characters. Its not necessary to read the first two books before this one because Nelson does a great job of working in previous parts to catch you up. But I've enjoyed reading them in sequence. If you have read the others, this is a must read and the next one can't come soon enough.